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Project information

Adapting policies and regulation to the changing ownership structure in the electricity generation sector

R. Cossent P. Linares T. Gómez I.J. Pérez-Arriaga J.P. Chaves C. Batlle P. Rodilla P. Mastropietro I. Herrero I. Usera

April 2015 - December 2015

Funding entity International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

The goal of this collaboration is to produce a report evaluating the adaptations in power sector policy and regulation required under different contexts in response to the changes in electricity generation ownership, primarily driven by the deployment of small renewable generation units. The main target group for the report is that of policy makers.
The report covers in detail the following issues:
- The energy transition and the power sector
- Regulatory review of wholesale (energy, balancing and capacity) markets design for a better integration of large shares of RES
- Distribution grids and distributed energy resources
- Lessons learned and policy recommendations.
